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  • criver46

Final project: Race Typing Game

On this final project, I am using javascript and making a racing type game that involves pressing the right keys to move your car forward. So far I have made the street, the finish line, and two cars. What I am in stuck with is getting certain keys to be pressed as it shows in-front of the screen for both cars. I already have a ready key on the spacebar and a restart on R. All is left is this problem I have.

Update: I have changed somethings on my project. I instead changed the typing for just 4 letters instead of all of the letter in the keyboard. The difficult part was still trying to show the letters on the screen, randomizing from four of the letters. I may seem simple now since there are only 4 letters instead of 13 divided each for each player, but its not, it is mostly upon reaction speed.

Why I made this type of project was the thought of how people were able to type so fast. There has been some websites that involves typing games or racing games that involves typing. This inspired me to make mine as such.

My presentation went well, a lot of people loved my creativity. There is just some that needs to be improved upon which I would do.

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